The 1-2-3 of Music: Elvis, Michael Jackson, and Prince



Music makes the world go 'round. Hear what I'm saying, now. Everything can potentially become music to your ears. The way she speaks to you in that special tone is music. The way our car engine rumbles is music.

Guru Jay thinks he has figured out the world. Let me elaborate some more. Let's start the show!

Today's blog is all about music and greatness. Who is the greatest music artist? Maybe, Elvis, Michael Jackson, and Prince in that order.

A better question is who's music makes the world go 'round the most. I feel that's a difficult question to answer because first of all what defines the world? Are we living under the same sun but in two different worlds?

I've climbed a different mountain than you. I've seen Hollywood stars through a different set of lens. Did you know I wear glasses? Not prescription but sunglasses because I'm cool. And you ladies and gents are the coolest fans on the Planet Earth. I know I've got some cool fans on Mars by now. Shout out to Elon Musk and Google.

Put it to you this way. Like Elvis, I can't help falling in love with you and some things are meant to be. You're meant to read right now.


Where are my Michael Jackson fans? You all are the most precious on the globe. Happy Belated Halloween! Because this is “Thriller, Thriller, Night. You're fighting for your life!”

Maybe, Prince was the greatest because he owned all his work. The artist known by a symbol was a true businessman. He left behind wealth in terms of financial and musical.

Maybe, nobody can be better than Elvis. In total, Elvis sold approximately 1 billion records. So it's safe to say if alive he would be a billionaire. What is more, he has nearly 1 billion fans. It seems like there a billion Presley impersonators. Plus,the Blue Suede shoe salesman leads a quarter million Twitter followers.


Michael Jackson has 76 million Facebook likes. Prince made Purple Rain and the rest is history. To conclude, I've come to a conclusion that Elvis, Michael Jackson and Prince made the world go 'round with their music.  

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!