Jason Bourne Movie Review


Jason Bourne Movie Review

Matt Damon does it again. This time around as Jason Bourne, he is the best ever. Tommy Lee Jones and Alicia Vikander play an excellent supporting cast. Everything about this movie is excellent. That's why I give it an A, 5 stars out of 5.

I feel Jason Bourne is redemption in more ways than one. First, Matt Damon redeems the movie franchise. Second, Jason Bourne redeems David Webb.

Throughout the movie, the main character is searching for answers. In a sense, he finds an answer within himself. At times he encounters challenging questions.

What role did his father play in the program? Where does he go from here? Who can he trust? All these questions and more are answered by Jason Bourne himself.

The cinematographers delivered incredible images. Plus, Jason Bourne tells an interesting story. Give credit to spectacular writing and directing. I thoroughly enjoyed the fight scenes. There's a reason why Matt Damon is considered the best action movie star alongside Tom Cruise.

If you're fascinated with technology, the CIA, or politics, then watch Jason Bourne at your earliest convenience. It's the best movie I've seen all year. It's complete with a whole lot of finesse and power. There isn't any extra stuff cluttering the feed.

No one could have worked the CIA Director's part better than Tommy Lee Jones, except Morgan Freeman. Moreover, Alicia Vikander is almost perfect. Her accent only throws you off a tiny bit.

Lastly, Jason Bourne ends terrifically. I won't spoil it for you. All I'll say is you can never count Bourne out. He'll get to the bottom of it one way or another.

Get off the fence about seeing Jason Bourne, and get your butt in a seat. Don't miss out on premium entertainment. Once again, Matt Damon does it, only this time better.  

I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!