Decor ideas – white furniture

When you think about it, we all spend a lot of our lives in our houses. That’s why my future apartment has to be a place to call my own - a creative environment for my dreams, a refuge from the world. It used to be a far away project, but it’s in my reach now so I’m actually experiencing a pre-decorating frenzy in anticipation of the moment.

The thing I really like right now is white furniture. It did occur to me it’s quite unpractical for couches and armchairs – they would probably get dirty very fast and changing the upholstery from time to time seems like a costly nightmare. Other than the practical reasoning, I’m in love with the idea of a white room with colorful details all over. Wren Living does some wonderful white and ivory wardrobes with a retro vibe that would solve my many storage problems and look amazing in the process. And to top it of, they can custom make all the furniture to fit your space perfectly.

I can’t stop day dreaming about an all ivory walk in closet with tones of cupboards and cabinets for all my clothes, shoes and jewelry. Just imagine how beautiful the white would look with all the colorful clothes inside carefully organized according to season and shade! Yes, I’m a bit of a nutcase when it comes to sorting and depositing my things, I love to do it – it’s my own kind of porn. 

Choosing white furniture leaves you a lot of room (pun intended) to play with the smaller decorative elements that give personality to a space: curtains, pillows, lamps, rugs, blankets, sheets, art objects. Versatility is important since I get bored easily. That's why a base that's easy to change up by adding small elements to the original furniture is something I'm already thinking about.

  Photos: 1, 2, collages made by Sara

 Is white furniture something you'd ever consider for your house decor?

Dear Romania - Zara goes online in Romania

After 10 years of presence on the Romanian market, Zara has finally opened an online store as well. I was lucky enough to be able to place an order before the official opening date as part of the #dear_Romania campaign and I’m very happy with my new, blue pastel, leather jacket. I plan to wear it a lot this spring.

In fact I’m super tempted by all the dreamy pastels out there and I had a hard time deciding between the jacket and a few pairs of pink shoes that were calling my name too. I’m pretty sure that I will eventually cave and get those too! I’m very weak when it comes to shoes.

Dupa multi ani de prezenta clasica pe piata romaneasca, Zara a lansat in aceasta luna si mult asteptatul magazin online. De-acum nu mai este nevoie sa locuiesti intr-un oras cu magazine clasice Zara, pentru ca iti poti alege piesele favorite virtual, urmand ca aceastea sa ajunga la tine in cateva zile prin curier. In cazul in care va intrebati, preturile online sunt identice cu cele din magazine.

Cand vine vorba de livrare exista trei optiuni:
- gratuit pt ridicarea coletului din magazine (tu alegi ce magazin)
- standard (19 lei): 3-5 zile lucratoare,
- expres (49 lei): 2-3 zile lucratoare.

Daca nu esti multumit de marime, culoare, croiala, produsele pot fi returnate gratuit indifrent de modalitatea de livrare aleasa initial. 

Eu am vaut ocazia sa fac cumparaturi cu cateva zile inaintea deschiderii oficiale si dupa lungi deliberari, am ales o geaca de piele albastru pastel. Initial pusesem ochii pe niste sandale, dar pentru ca imi cumparasem “cateva” perechi foarte recent, am zis sa fiu cvasi-rationala si sa merg in alta directie. Presimt ca momentul de luciditate nu o sa dureze prea mult.

  Are you guys Zara fans? Which is your favorite high street store?

Event: Band of Creators in Wonderland

One of the perks of being a fashion blogger is the chance to attend cool events and exclusive runway shows. Sure, many of them will prove disappointing, but that wasn’t the case for the one I went to the last day of March. Band of Creatorsin Wonderland got me excited from the second I got the invitation! It almost seemed like something that could have been thrown in my honor, so I had to go!

The Alice in Wonderland decor was super fun and whimsical and created a story for the runway show of 10 up and coming Romanian designers that got to reveal their spring-summer collections.

My outfit had a Red Queen vibe with my new red dress worn under a tuxedo shaped trench. The head accessory featuring a blue bird is handmade by me and the shoes are new so I couldn’t wait to wear them for one more minute.

Unde am fost in ultima zi din martie? In Tara Minunilor, unde altundeva? Echipa Band of Creators din spatele magazinului online si showroom-ului cu acelasi nume, a construit unul dintre cele mai elaborate si reusite decoruri pe care le-am vazut pana acum la un eveniment din Romania.

Mi-a placut extrem de tare efortul de a organiza ceva cu poveste in space, mai ales ca rezultatul a fost super reusit. Cei de la Band of Creators trebuie felicitati pentru originalitate si executia impecabila.

Decorul inspirat din Alice in Wonderland pus in scena in gradina unui mare hotel bucurestean, a servit ca pretext pentru lansarea colectiilor de primavara-vara a 10 designeri romani aflati la inceput de drum: 109, Aer Wear, Beliv, Crepe Black Collar, Florentina Giol, Ana Maria Gal, Sandra Galan, Adriana Goilav, Alina Morar si Dorv Clothing.

Makeup-ul realizat de echipa coordonata de Alexandru Abagiu si hair styling-ul de care s-au ocupat cei de la Beauty District au reprezentat, cu siguranta, inca un aspect pozitiv care a contribuit la atmosfera aproape magica. Cand vine vorba de colectiile prezentate, mi-au placut foarte mult tinutele in culori pastelate, imprimeurile florale si croielile avangardiste. Am pregatit si cateva colaje cu tinutele mele preferate din prezentarea de moda!

Ana-Maria Gal (linii simple si feminine si cel mai frumos imprimeu floral pe care l-am vazut in ultimul timp).
Aer Wear (tinute urbane cu detalii avangardiste - as purta oricand rochia albastra sau combinatia de pantaloni cu talie inalta, crop top si vesta drapata).
109 (Rochia creion cu cu decupaj si portjartier este probabil preferata mea, urmata de rochiile lungi din materiale fluide).
Alina Morar (negru, alb si animal print in combinatii moderne - imi place enorm rochia neagra din stanga - este atat de simpla, dar ingenioasa!)
Beliv (rochia lunga cu guler si taieturi pe umeri este absolut superba!)
Florentina Giol (o colectie super reusita cu piese versatile: rochia trench cu umerii goi si combinatia negru-nude in doua tinute diferite, au fost preferatele mele )

Este posibil ca la un moment dat sa fi simtit ca evenimentul a fost organizat in onoarea mea. Pana la urma, ma cheama Alice si am fost in Tara Minunilor deci exista o legatura, fie ea si contextuala!

Desi terminasem o zi de lucru de 12 ore, am avut destula energie - probabil de la prea mult zahar (inghetata La Strada si briosele dementiale au fost apreciate din plin de cineva obsedat de dulciuri ca mine si s-au potrivit perfect cu tema evenimentului). Prezentarea de moda a fost urmata de un recital live al trupei Dekadens. M-am simtit excelent si am facut o multime de poze iar evenimentul a fost un sfarsit perfect pentru o zi de luni! 

Outfitul meu are o usoara tenta de The Red Queen cu toate ca nu a fost premeditat, m-am gandit mai mult la ceva care sa mearga de la job la un evenimnet cu dress code cu doar o schimbare de pantofi (da, aveam pantofii in geanta si i-am incaltat chiar inainte sa ajung, spre oroarea lui Costin care evident habar nu are ca-i imposibil sa stai 14 ore in tocuri de 12 cm!!!).

In general merg pe ce-mi place mai mult din garderoba mea in momentul respectiv si de data aceasta am purtat o rochie rosie cu volum si un trench rosu cu croiala tuxedo de care sunt indragostita. Bentita cu pasare alabastra este facuta de mine si o gasiti pe celalalt blog de care ma ocup.

 Photos: me, Costin, Band of Creators
 I’m wearing:
red dress / rochie rosie - 6ks (here)
  butterfly belt / curea fluture - vintage
black pumps / pantofi - Asos
  red trench / trench rosu - tbdresses (here)
rings / inele - Forever 21
bag / geanta  - Debenhams
blue bird headband /bentita pasare - made it myself (see more in my Etsy store)

Kit Harington is magic

What prompted this obvious statement you ask? Well, Game of Thronesseason 4 premiere is actually today  (April 6th) but I been waiting long time so, in between, I went to see Pompeii in an effort to deal with my Jon Snow withdrawal. 

 The Starks and their wolfs!
 Kit Harington being all hot and adorable! #thatface

I used to go to the movies quite often, but not so much lately! The fact that I work 12 hours a day might have something to do with it. But I made this new deal with a few of my friends that we have to go to the cinema at least once a week (already broken the deal twice, but here’s to hope).

Coming back to Pompeii, I had an amazing time. I can’t say I was too impressed with the movie, it’s not mind-blowing or anything but, boy, oh boy, was I impressed by Kit Harington's abs! If you are a Game of Thrones fan and especially a John Snow fan, you have to go see this movie. Kit and his six packs were epic.

Get it?! It's funny on so may levels! Kit Harington was actually dating Rose Leslie (the actress that embodies Ygritte in Game of Thrones) in real life, but they broke up and he's apparently single right now.
 Great visual from Pompeii!

All that I understood from the entire movie was that (SPOILER ALERT!) everyone died (which sucked, but hey, the movie is called Pompeii and we all know what happened there). Fortunately, I was too distracted by Kit and automatically went into a daydream spiral where he was my boyfriend and got over it pretty fast. I’m almost sure most of the girls in the audience had the same reaction, nothing special with me! I’m not even ashamed, that’s how hot he was in this movie! 

If I think about it, I was actually a victim, subjected to that whole display of hot bodies in leather menskirts! What is a girl to do in such a situation? Also I blame Milo (aka Kit) for making that volcano erupt! Just think about it for a second - until he came to town it was all good, people were chilling, then he got into the arena, let all that steamy hotness out in the open and crazy things started to happen!

I knew I was onto something wonderful when I got my eyes on Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, but how was I to know he has all of that hidden under his winter gear. Winter be damned! At least if winter is coming, let Jon Snow be my blanket!

The writers of Game of Throneshave to pick up the pace and send John into the desert and get him shirtless ASAP. That would just throw Game of Thrones into a whole new league! The thing is, I read all the books (well, those published until now) in the A Song of Ice and Fire saga and I know that’s not going to happen, but there’s still hope, since we all know how partial to nudity HBO is!:))))

I wouldn't mind, Jon Snow! I love traveling!:)))

I need all of these Game of Thrones dolls! I've never seen anything more adorable in my life. 
  Photos, : 1, 2, collages made by Sara

Any Kit, Jon Snow or Game of Thrones fans outhere?

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