The dark aristocrat

I always had this nagging suspicion I could levitate and as proven by this photos I was right!:)))) They were not photoshoped so the only logical explanation it’s that I can fly! I’m really excited I was wearing this outfit while levitating for the first time – you really don’t want your superhero costume to be something boring.

What possessed me to dress this way, you ask? Well, I got some awesome jewelry recently, a bunch of cool silver rings and bracelets and I felt the ardent need to wear them all at once. A maxi dress came to mind immediately as something that would work wonderfully and the rest is history. I was aiming for a witchy vibe, but a high-end version of that – maybe a princess turned to dark magic for some reason – if you get my drift!

I was actually followed by this furious, short woman that was asking obsessively: ”Do you think you’re a princess?” (Te crezi printesa? in Romanian) like it was a bad thing if I did. I can’t imagine why somebody would ever do that but I stopped and answered politely: ”Sometimes”. The whole thing was so ridiculous it was funny. This is what I get for riding the subway in such a get up!:))))

Getting back to my favorite subject – jewelry – I’m super obsessed with this lot from Red Cap – and I’ve been wearing them a lot these past two weeks. There’s something magic about good Goth theme rings and lots of them. I actually had a version of this outfit on for the Avanpremire 13 event - I just needed to show off the dress and bling to a more fashion friendly crowd!:)))
 I’m wearing:
maxi dress / rochie - Topshop
  red jacket / jacheta rosie - H&M (The garden collection)
floppy hat / palarie - New Look
boots, fringe bag / cizme, geanta franjuri - random brand
rings / inele - Red Cap jewelry (1, 2, 3, 4)
   bracelets / bratari - Red Cap jewelry (1, 2)

DIY – colorful statement necklace

I’m a huge DIY fan and I love making things for myself for a fraction of what they would cost if I were to buy them. I know many of you see things in magazines, online or on the runway and you get depressed because you think you could never afford them but, believe me, there are always creative ways to get a similar result for pennies or even using stuff you already have. They usually just need a little upgrade.

I took the photos for this tutorial a while ago but I just got around editing them and writing the text. By popular demand, today I’m showing you a step by step photo tutorial for a colorful rhinestone necklace. It’s really easy to make and the result it's very cool.

You will need: some old costume jewelry (rhinestone necklaces to be more precise), nail polish or sharpies (permanent markers), silver wire (optional) and cotton swabs.

Azi va arat cum sa transformati niste coliere vechi intr-un colier statment colorat de care nu o sa va mai puteti dezlipi. Pasii sunt simplu de urmat si rezultatul este spectaculos. Ideea mi-a venit cand am descoperit doua coliere cu cristale in cutia mea de bijuterii pe care nu le purtasem niciodata pentru ca erau prea "de nunta" si nu se potriveau cu mai nimic. Ale mele erau noi, dar partea buna este ca pot sa fie si intr-o stare mai proasta, cu cristale innegrite, orice gasiti abandonat prin casa poate fi folosit si o sa arate la fel de bine la final.

Iata de ce aveti nevoie pentru acest proiect: cateva coliere cu cristale, lac de unghii in diferite nuante, sarma argintie si betisoare pentru urechi.

So I had these two rhinestone necklaces that were just laying around never worn before mainly because I found them too bridal for my outfits. They were also too small by themselves.

Acestea sunt cele doua coliere de care va povesteam (inainte de transformare) - destul de ok, dar genul pe care nu le purtam niciodata si ramaneau parasite in cutie de fiecare data.

I have way too many bottles of nail polish so it was high time to use them for more than just my nails.  Obviously the ones pictured are just a small percent of my collection (I didn't want to scare you:)))).

The first thing I did was to mash the two necklaces together and make a bigger one out of them. You might need some silver wire to connect them and effortlessly make them look like a brand new necklace!

Primul lucru pe care l-am facut a fost sa unesc cele doua coliere mai mici ca sa obtin unul mare. In cazul acesta s-au potrivit atat de bine ca forma incat nu a fost nevoie decat sa unesc lanturile, dar pentru alte forme dau daca vreti sa conectati mai multe coliere, s-ar putea sa aveti nevoie de sarma argintie subtire !

The next step is to decide the color scheme. I initially tried using permanent markers to color the rhinestones but they weren't pigmented enough to get the shades I wanted so I went for nail polish instead and it worked great. 

Pasul urmator este sa decideti ce combinatie de culori vreti sa folositi pentru a vopsi cristalele. Intial am vrut sa utilizez markere, dar pigmentul nu era suficient de puternic si efectul nu era mat asa cum imi doream asa ca am decis ca-i mai bine sa folosesc oja.

Choosing the perfect color mix it's actually the hardest part - I tried different combinations on a white piece of paper before settling on a blend of green, mint, blue and yellow.

Alegerea combinatiei de culori pe care urmeaza sa o folositi este partea cea mai grea: eu m-am tot gandit si razgandit pana sa ma opresc la un amestec de nuante de verde, albastru si galben cu accente mint. Incercati pe o coala de hartie inainte: cu puncte de oja de diferite culori alaturate ca sa vedeti cum merg impreuna.

The next step is to patiently start coloring the rhinestones - make sure and not load the brush with too much varnish! If you happen to apply too much nail polish on one of the rhinestones use a cotton swab to clear away the excess. I used the brushes from each nail polish bottle - no need for a separate paint brush. Another tip is to start from the top of the necklace and move down towards the bottom. I would also recommend color variation: use just a few colors but make sure there's enough contrast to make things interesting!

Odata ce ai ales culorile, urmatorul pas este coloratul cristalelor cu oja. Cel mai bine este sa incepi de sus in jos ca sa nu fie nevoie sa ai mereu grija sa nu strici/atingi ce ai vopsit deja. Scutura pensula inainte sa vopsesti un cristal, dar daca folosesti prea mult din greseala, nu te panica si indeparteaza excesul cu un betisor pentru urechi. Am folosit pensula fiecarei sticlute de oja - deci nu este nevoie de pensula separata. Secretul este sa gasesti o armonie intre culori si sa adaugi si putin contrast ca  rezultatul sa fie cat mai interesant.

 Ce ziceti? Va place ce a iesit? Are cineva de gand sa puna in aplicare acest tutorial? Imi puteti scrie daca doriti sa fac un tutorial pe o anumita tema si promit sa va fac pe plac daca pot!

What do you think? Planning to do this project yourself? If so I'd love to see photos with the end result! Let me know if you have any special requests for tutorial/DIY projects!

Féline Meow outfit

Ooops, I did it again! I knew what my first outfit around this cool tshirt from Ruvix would be the moment I got it: a pleated miniskirt suspend tights and spiked heels – everything in black. Since I didn’t want to attract every pervert in town I added my vintage green coat on top of everything. What I can tell you it’s that this get up was a crowd pleaser...big time!:))))

I also suspected you’re going to love the tshirt so you’ll have the chance to win one as Ruvix is giving it away for one of my readers. They carry hilarious thirts with ironic brand names prints. You can pretty much choose anything you like in the comments section.

Am pregatiti si o surpriza pentru cei carora le place tricoul meu – aveti sansa de a castiga unul la alegere pentru ca Elena pune la bataie unul si pentru cititorii mei. Nu trebuie sa fie cel pe care il port eu – puteti alege ce va place cel mai mult de pe siteul Ruvix (print, culoare si marime). Am facut un colaj cu preferatele mele, dar exista si mai multe optiuni amuzante.

 All you have to do for a chance to win is (all 3 conditions are mandatory):  
Like Ruvixand Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook
Leave a commentwith what thirst you want from the Ruvix shop (and make sure to leave an email so that I can contact you)
Pentru a participa este suficient sa (toate cele 3 conditii de mai jos sunt absolut necesare) :
♥ LIKE Ruvix si Pop Culture&Fashion Magic pe Facebook
Lasati un comentariu la acest articol in care sa ne spuneti ce tricou doriti de pe siteul Ruvix (nu uitati de adresa de email ca sa va putem contacta)

For extra chances to win you can also (these are not mandatory and each one will count as an extra entry):
 ♥ Share the giveaway on facebook with a @Pop Culture&Fashion Magic tag
♥ Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin, Twitter, GFC, Tumblr  and/or Pinterest  (mention which of them in a comment so that I can check and count them as extra entries).

Pentru sanse suplimentare de a castiga puteti sa: 
 Share (sa puneti link) acestui articol cu giveaway-ul pe peretele vostru de Facebook cu tag catre @Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
  ♥ Urmariti Pop Culture pe Bloglovin, Twitter, GFC, Tumblrsau/si Pinterest(mentionati in comentariu care ca sa pot verifica si sa le pot adauga ca inscrieri suplimentare).

 I’m wearing:
tshirt /tricou - Ruvix
  green trench / palton verde - vintage
pleated miniskirt /fusta plisata - vintage
spiked stilettos /  pantofi - random brand
suspender tights / ciorapi - New Look
   chains ankle pumps / pantofi cu lanturi - random brand
  bag / geanta - vintage
earrings / cercei - Asos

 The giveaway ends November 14th. The winners will be sorted out randomly. This is an international giveaway – anybody can join in!

The Winner

 I just want to thank you all for taking the time to enter this giveaway! I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):

 …and the winner is... 
   No. 57 - that's Bev! Congratulations!

Today's mood

If you're anything like me and you have a deadline then you will pretty much do anything else except what you are supposed to do. Why avoid the sweet panic and miraculous inspiration that comes in the last two or three hours before something has to be delivered?! Besides someone has to look for cool things to order online and I might as well play my part! 

I didn't really need any more shoes when I started the distraction process but I ended up feeling like my life would be so much better with these electric blue pumps in my feet. I love the animal print on the inside and the scalloped edges - these kind of details make a fool out of me!:))))

This is what I felt inside when I saw them and the complex reasoning that came to mind on why should I get  them - you now have an inside into my mind (and what a truly wonderful and horrific place that is):

gifs: 1.
Hopefully I got my feelings through to you guys!:))))

Trend alert – running shoes

Started a few seasons ago, the mixing of sport elements into everyday outfits trend has evolved into full blown madness (the good kind that is).

The first step was marked by adapted/enhanced sport items insidiously finding their way into our wardrobes and everyday outfits. That’s how clothes traditionally worn to the gym or reserved for outdoors activities like caps, hoodies, sweatshirts, sport pants started to be combined with girly dresses, voluminous skirts, tailored pants, statement jewelry and high heels. Granted most of these were somehow modified to appeal to a more fashion oriented crowd but sport chic was suddenly not just accepted but cool and original.

The platform sneaker is the perfect example to illustrate my case. Heavily sport inspired but with the heel/height element added in the mix it was a huge hit. And while many girls are still wearing the Isabel Marant model or the many variation inspired by it, even more of them have moved on to the running shoe which is the next step in the evolution of this trend. Now it’s the perfect time to wear your Nike shoes instead of high heels around town – they are not reserved for jogging or gym anymore. You can look at it as a purification of a trend that’s getting more and more literal every passing season. It might even have something to do with the general direction towards casualness the entire society stirs towards.

I actually collected quite a few inspirational outfits featuring cool running shoes as the main attraction and most of them were photographed outside this year’s Fashion Week crown around the globe: New York, London, Milan and Paris.

   Photos: 1, 2.

Little Red Riding Hood in the city

First of all my hair is out of control! He has a life of its own and acts up something crazy. Secondly I have this dress in white as well as you might remember from here where I wore it with leather pants. When I like something I tend to buy it in multiple colors so there you have it! :)

Other than the dress this outfit it’s all about the accessories. I know people tend to avoid mixing silver and gold jewelry but I don’t really care for that rule so as soon as I got my bracelets from BellastI couldn’t wait and had to wear them together.

I guess we should also talk about the cat over the knee tights I have on – I thought they were too cute to pass and ordered them without thinking twice! Never looked back!:)))

 How pretty are these two delicate silver bracelets? I don't even know which one I like best: the crown bracelet or the dragonfly bracelet!
Photod by Costin and Denisa.
I’m wearing: 
 bracelets / bratari - Bellast
black pumps / pantofi - random brand
over the knee cat tights / ciorapi - here
  bag / geanta - Debenhams
  belt / curea - here
  asymmetric dress / rochie - Asos
leather jacket / geaca piele -  H&M

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