Times are a changing. Oh was Bob Dylan right. I've been hard at work trying to create a masterpiece.
Right now, I'm writing on the back of typing paper with an ink pen. Before this I started writing the Bob Dylan story on my Apple computer. In other words, I took my precious time on this blog and I accept star treatment.
You see, most writers just go to Starbucks, drink their Grandes, and write their blogs. Well at Guru Jay, I create original entertainment stories which will blow your mind. Maybe, I might just show the behind the scenes creation. I've written over 400 blogs and each one is different. It's a piece of me. So with that said. Here you go, my friend.
Photo By: Wikimedia Commons
It's official. Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. What more can the 75 year old accomplish?
Some people don't win a prize, let alone a Nobel Prize. We're rewarded for our efforts sometimes. Other times we work and work and work like Rihanna and nothing happens. That's when you gotta pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and make it happen. In the end, longevity can come.
The legendary Bob Dylan made things happen; and, he's making it happen right now. His boots were made for walking but this ain't a Jessica Simpson song. Yes, Bob Dylan sings things. No, I can't get you his autograph.
It seems music (everything, really) is taken too literal today. Beyonce says Becky with the good hair and everybody automatically assumes she's referring to an actual person. We need more metaphors in music such as Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone. Moreover, Like the Rolling Stones say “You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need.” You see Bob Dylan's music doesn't fall on deaf ears.
I am Guru Jay launching into orbit in 5-4-3-2-1!