Made in Romania

I’m super happy spring is finally here! I took advantage of the first sunny day to wear a new dress that I’m really into right now. I love it because it fits wonderfully and looks so much like a signature Missoni knitted piece.

The chevron print has always been a favorite of mine, but it’s really very hard to find something in a good color combination. Not to mention it’s a dress made in Romania under the Sense label. I like to support Romanian fashion whenever it’s possible, so this dress gets extra points for just that.

I plan to wear it without the slip as well, it’s going to be see-through, but I’m thinking high-waisted pinup lingerie underneath (an Anna Dello Russo moment if you want) for the sake of decency.

In the meantime I paired it with a classic biker boots - leather jacket combo and I think it looks damn good. I love versatility in a dress and this one certainly has that to spare.

 I'm sure many of you remember this - so imagine the above piece worn similarly!:)

Sunt foarte fericita ca a venit in sfarsit primavara. Am profitat de prima zi cu soare ca sa port o rochie noua care-mi place foarte tare. In primul rand este o rochie facuta in Romania si face parte din colectia de primavara-vara Sense. In al doilea rand imi aminteste de tricotajele semnatura ale casei Missoni cu print chevron clasic. Si nu in ultimul rand, imi vine perfect ca marime, desi am ales-o online si nu a fost probata in magazin. 

In plus, mi-am dat seama ca-i chiar mai versatila decat credeam initial: are o a doua rochie-dublura, simpla, din jerse negru pe sub, care-i detasabila (era prinsa in cateva locuri, dar a fost foarte usor de desprins) asa ca sunt de fapt doua rochii. Perspectiva de a o purta fara dublura, doar dantela crosetata, transparenta cu lenjerie neagra, cu talie inalta, ma incanta mai mult decat ar fi cazul (nu stiu unde as putea sa o fac in deplina siguranta, dar posibilitatea exista si asta-i important). Nu mai vorbesc de combinatia de culori extrem de reusita: clasica, dar nu plictisitoare.

In ziua repectiva am purtat-o cu o geaca de piele si bocanci pentru un stil mai relaxat, dar poate fi dusa usor si in zona mai eleganta cu pantofi cu toc si un trench clasic. Din fericire nu am dress cod strict la serviciu, asa ca pot sa ma imbrac cum am chef in orice zi (privilegiu de care profit cu varf si indesat).
  I’m wearing: 
   dress / rochie - Sense
biker boots, bag / bocanci, geanta - random brand
leather jacket / geaca piele - Romwe
 earrings / cercei - random brand
rings / inele - Forever 21