Cobalt blue dress

At this point I see myself as pretty savvy when it comes to online shopping. That’s not to say I can do no wrong but I mostly get it right! This cobalt blue dress is one of the best choices I’ve made recently. The quality of the fabric and the design are actually quite incredible for the price tag. 

The dress has these two soft layers cleverly sewn together and you get to drape it on your body however you want. My favorite part is that you’ll invariably get the tulip shape in the front. I didn’t add much as I wanted the dress to shine but a pink necklace and a couple of rings had to be part of the story.

The relaunch of a high end perfume from the Annick Goutal Line called Eau de Monsieur at the Madiosn store seemed like the perfect occasion to take my cobalt dress out for a spin. Costincame with me and at the end of the night we were both smelling very good to say the least! :) He also took the photos so you know who to blame if you feel he didn’t capture the vision of a woman I am as good as he should have!:)))

Rochia aceasta imi place asa de mult incat o sa scriu despre ea si in romana. Tocmai a ajuns si este de departe una dintre cele mai bune alegeri pe care le-am facut in ultimul timp cand vine vorba de cumparaturile online. Materialul este elastic, dar extrem de moale si placut si rochia are doua straturi subtiri cusute ingenios astfel incat sa o poti aseza pe tine cum vrei. In mod invariabil o sa poti obtine forma de lalea in fata de care eu sunt putin obsedata. Raportul calitate-pret a fost cu siguranta peste asteptari for once! Singura nemultumire este legata de faptul ca se ridica si a trebuit sa tot trag de ea, dar in rest imi place tare de tot. N-am mai pus mare lucru pe mine, dar o pereche de ciorapi cu buline care au cedat in mod las si un colier roz tot a trebuit sa adaug.

Am purtat-o pentru prima oara saptamana trecuta la relansarea parfumului Eau de Monsieur  din linia Annick Goutal, care de-acum poate fi gasit la MADISON pe Calea Dorobantilor 152 unde s-a tinut si evenimentul. Vrand, nevrand l-am tarat dupa mine si pe Costin si nu a regretat pentru ca la sfarsitul serii miroseam amandoi foarte high end si aveam si poze sa va aratam. 

 I’m wearing:
dotted tights / ciorapi - H&M
cobalt blue dress / rochie - front row
  sequins bag/ geanta  - Debenhams
pumps / pantofi - random brand
  necklace / colier - Romwe